The Kaleidoscope Story

  • 2019: Completed our 25th funded project site.

  • 2020: Kaleidoscope shifted its implementation method to a community led approach. Kaleidoscope partnered with DHIC’s Beacon Ridge Apartments to pilot a project that is led by apartment residents.

How we Started

Where we are going:

  • 2022: Kaleidoscope Project received a five-year, $1.9 million grant from The John Rex Endowment to implement 6 more sites using the community led process as a way to build community capacity and advocate for community led initiatives that support the social and emotional well-being of young children and their families.

  • The Kaleidoscope Project has a goal to select 6 new project site partners by 2026.

  • Advocacy is a major focus. Kaleidoscope is building a network of passionate individuals who believe in the power of community voice.

  • Kaleidoscope will continue to collaborate with community partners and sit at different tables to ensure barriers to supporting children’s social and emotional well-being are addressed and removed.